Dr Who star Colin Baker heads to Sci-fi Scarborough at the Spa

Colin BakerColin Baker
Colin Baker
Sci-Fi Scarborough have confirmed that the sixth Doctor Colin Baker will appear at the popular pop culture event in  April.  A welcome return as he was a guest  at the  first convention six years ago.

Before being selected to replace Peter Davison as the sixth Doctor - 1984-1986 - Baker was an established television actor. His most notable role was Paul Merroney in The Brothers. Baker also guest starred as Bayban the Butcher in the Blake's 7 episode City at the Edge of the World.

Prior to being cast as the Doctor, Baker had guest starred in the programme, as Commander Maxil in the Peter Davison serial Arc of Infinity. At one point in the serial, Maxil shoots the Doctor; Baker often jokes that he got the part of the Doctor by killing the incumbent.

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